

In recent years, healthcare has experienced dramatic change, extraordinary competition, and increasingly complex regulation and is now a broad and complex industry consisting of pharmaceutical researchers and manufacturers, healthcare providers, managed care, payers, vendors of services, and medical products and devices.

In order to meet these growing and varied needs of those in the healthcare business, Yeniaras and its technical affiliates are committed to keeping up with both the cutting edge technology and the ever-changing legal mandates to provide responsible and competent service to clients. Lawyers from several practice areas provide coordinated representation in virtually all aspects of healthcare law.

Our experienced lawyers and technical consultants are familiar with the healthcare industry and regularly provide services to all involved in that industry.

We are prepared to advise pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, medical groups, health insurance companies including health maintenance organizations, imaging centers, ambulatory surgery centers, medical device and life science companies, rehabilitation centers, and extended and elder care facilities located throughout Turkey and the region.


This web site is purely a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. This web site is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice under the applicable rules of professional conduct, including those of the Istanbul Bar Association and the American Bar Association; thus, the reader should not consider this information to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship, should not rely on information provided herein, and should always seek the advice of competent counsel for specific circumstances. Moreover, any reader who sends an e-mail to the owner of this web site is hereby put in notice that this unilateral action, and any reply thereto, do not create an attorney-client relationship and the reader must have no expectation whatsoever of confidentiality with regard to any information contained in his or her e-mail(s).

Furthermore, the rules of professional conduct of the Istanbul Bar Association limit advertisement of legal services. Therefore the reader must realize that the decision to hire a lawyer should not be based on the written information appearing on this website about the qualifications and experience of this firm and its members. In this context, we do not share names of our existing or past clients and details about our current or past transactions unless we receive written prior consent of those parties for such disclosure.

İnönü Caddesi, Miralay Şefik Bey Sokak, Antalya Palas Apt. No:5/11, Gümüşsuyu Beyoğlu İstanbul Türkiye  |  t: +90 212 292 87 07  |  f: +90 212 292 87 08  |